We went out on a service call for a new restaurant owner in Belmar, NJ. The owner recently purchased his soon-to-be restaurant to finally pursue his dream of owning a business and sharing his mother's famous Italian dishes. Unfortunately, during his home inspection, the inspector found a disgusting site — German cockroaches! Before this owner can live out his dream, he called up Cowleys to handle this pest problem. Although the owner reported that he is having an issue with German cockroaches, we still conduct a thorough inspection in order to determine if there are any other pest or wildlife issues, how severe the infestation is as well as where the harborage areas are. That way we can properly and effectively treat the infestation. Sure enough, we began inspecting the kitchen area and found a massive infestation of German cockroaches. There is a point when doing standard pest control at a commercial establishment is not enough to control German cockroaches. These pesky insects thrive in kitchens where food, warmth, and water are readily available. The German cockroach can reproduce at an alarming rate. The female can lay up to 30 nymphs at a time, which she carries in the oothecae (egg case) attached to her body. The female rarely comes out of her hiding place to feed, which makes control difficult. Before any work is to be done anything not to be sprayed must be covered, or washed thoroughly afterward. We began treating the baseboards, cracks, and crevices with an EPA registered growth regulator that affects the cockroaches reproduce system so they can’t reproduce. The growth regulator is less toxic than pesticides and just as effective. Doing this will knock down the cockroach population to a manageable level. The next step is to use a microinjection machine that sprays a very fine mist of an oil-based product into the cracks and crevices where the cockroaches may be hiding. What this product does is chase the cockroaches into the growth regulator that was sprayed earlier. That way we are ensuring that the cockroaches are treated with the growth regulator and the most effective long-term treatment method is applied. Now that all the infested areas are treated, we follow up at a later date to set up glue trap monitors to determine if any more harborage areas exist. In a short amount of time, the owner can resume with the closing process of his dream restaurant. Intense Cockroach Clean-out in Belmar, NJ